In 1974 Danilo Martinez founded a small leather company in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. With a few hand tools, a work bench, scraps of leather, and a profound vision he was able to change the Central American leather industry forever. Although his company thrived in the poverty of its surrounding communities, he refused to be satisfied with his success. More than anything, he wanted to help people. He wanted to give back to his community and he wanted to create a positive atmosphere where those around him could be successful.
This desire to do more led Mr. Martinez to devote a large portion of his time towards community outreach. Often times he would visit poverty stricken areas and offer food or even a chance to learn a trade in his factory. At the root of his efforts, Danilo Martinez always stressed his strong belief in God. He sought to teach people that no matter what their economic condition, there was a compassionate God that cared for them and that died on the cross for them. He felt that you need to do more than just give someone a handout, instead you should teach them of their own personal value and how that value can be used to glorify God. He believed simply, in giving people hope.
His efforts as a humanitarian and Christian served as the driving force behind the formation of the Danilo’s Cares non-profit initiative in 2012. This effort seeks to make an impact on the Honduran community through a variety of programs. It stresses the importance of positive attributes and is specifically designed to help Honduran children. What started with a few hand tools and scraps of leather has grown into something that will help positively shape Honduran youth for years to come.