Changing Honduras one smile at a time!

Helping children see the value they bring to the world is critical to transforming the next generation and the culture they will create. Our goal is to help these kids understand that they have agency and don’t have to remain victims of poverty. We inspire change and transform the lives of children through targeted impact projects so they can grow up to become change agents of progress.

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59.3% live in poverty

11.5% Illiteracy Rate

50% of children live in single-family homes

24% of school-age children are forced to work to help support their families.

Our Goal

“We inspire change and transform the lives of children through targeted impact projects so they can grow up to become change agents of progress.” 

Mentoring Students Long-Term / 2023

Mentoring Students Long-Term / 2023

Our founder, Danilo Martinez, was an inspiring beacon of hope in Honduras. Throughout countless years, he touched the lives of hundreds of people in our community. From providing training...

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  Forging a foundation of progress

  Forging a foundation of progress

With each passing year our organization has actively engaged struggling communities in Honduras to identify areas where we can make a lasting humanitarian impact. Our most recent collaboration with...

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Words from The President

Judith Martínez Gore

The bleak existence of economic instability, crippling poverty, and the overall lack of hope that exists in the third world has been a stark reality since my childhood. Growing up in Honduras, I realized at a young age that life can be overwhelmingly harsh.

This painful truth causes a great number of individuals to feel lost and unimportant. Many Hondurans see these factors as obstacles that prevent personal and spiritual development. However, my parents viewed the Honduran condition as an opportunity to help those in need. Rather than giving in to the status quo, they sought, at every turn, to aid individuals by providing sustenance and helping them find employment, but most importantly by giving them with the undeniable power of the gospel. Making no distinction of class, color, or creed. Their passion to improve the lives of Hondurans was based in spiritual nourishment. They believed that if you taught people about their personal value and helped them find a positive relationship with God that they would learn not to claim themselves as victims of poverty but as soldiers of progress.

This is the inspiration that has led me to facilitate the efforts of the Danilo’s Cares non-profit initiative. I hope you share in our vision and join our cause.

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