Once again…I continue to be amazed and humbled by the generosity of our donors. Whether it’s time, money, or supplies…these donations have afforded Danilo’s Cares the opportunity to orchestrate another successful dental brigade. This year we were able to raise enough money to donate a much needed mobile dental chair to Central American Medical Outreach. Without the support of C.A.M.O. over the years our reach would not have had the same impact. Also, the donations from the Campbell University HPREP program allowed us to distribute more than 500 dental hygiene kits. These donations along with the generous monetary gifts from our individual donors have allowed Danilo’s Cares to reach more than a thousand children in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

This most recent event spanned the course of two full days and provided free cleanings, cavity fillings, tooth extraction, and in some cases minor surgery and restoration to children that would otherwise go untreated. Perhaps the most astounding thing the Danilo’s Cares team is beginning to see in our efforts is an increased awareness and concern from the parents of these children. Along with the free dental procedures, Danilo’s Cares provides a course of instruction to the children and parents about how to maintain their dental hygiene. This instruction covers topics such as proper techniques and dietary habits that will promote a healthy dental lifestyle.

Although we have provided this instruction at each of our events over the past three years, it has been only recently that we have seen a peaked interest from the parents regarding these issues. Proof that our long term approach is beginning to take root in the minds of these young children as well as their parents.
So much work remains to be done, but we, along with the help of our faithful donors, are on the right path. Thank you for your support and please know that you are helping Danilo’s Cares change Honduras one healthy smile at a time.

Judith Martinez Gore

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